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About The Book
...such a magnificent document is a significant contribution to the recorded history of the 20th century.
Alan, Australia
It’s a brilliant book, and in my opinion an essential buy for anyone interested in Spitfires and indeed anyone hoping to build the new Spit from Airfix.
Danny, Scotland
The focus of this book is to provide the enthusiast with the information needed to super detail the legendary Spitfire Mk. IX and Mk. XVI to a high degree of accuracy. Aircraft illustrators, restorers and modellers will appreciate the thoroughness of the photographs and dimensioned drawings. The e-book is in PDF format.
Meticulous attention to engineering detail provides what is usually only obtained by visiting an actual aircraft.
Extensive representation of panel lines and over 46,000 rivets. Formatted with large colour photos so that detail can be easily studied. Several images at differing angles of view serve to illustrate each area of the complete aircraft.
Line drawings have been painstakingly drafted and dimensioned on CAD software using original Supermarine factory drawings. For those areas where no original Spitfire drawings are available, measurements were taken from surviving Spitfires to complete the research material. Included are ordinate tables for all wing ribs, fuselage frames and stabilizer ribs. Sufficient information for those who wish to design and build their own Spitfire model or perhaps make a start on a homebuilt.
...People had told me about this but to actually see it is something else altogether. Congratulations on a truly, truly outstanding job. Absolutely amazing!
Andreas, USA
The plans arrived in Paris and I have to say that they are quite beyond anything that I've ever seen in the way of technical drawings. Words like "outstanding" and "remarkable" don't begin to give an idea of how good they are. They really take ALL the guesswork out of building a detailed replica of the Spitfire.
Jean, France
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